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Quality time in the brig

Posted on Thu Dec 17th, 2009 @ 9:07pm by Commander Acle Walex & Commander Jordan Gunning

Mission: Into a Devil's Heart
Location: USS Iapetus's Brig
Timeline: MD 01 0800 hrs

Acle smiled grimly as he exited the turbo-lift and stepped onto deck six. One of the slightly boring prospects of being a leader was inspections. Although thorughly neccasary they did not tend to be very exciting. Or at least they shouldn't be, less some unwary junior officer or NCO find himself rather more excited then he would wish to be.

Acle looked at the padd in his hands and then turned towards an armored door. Reaching beside the panel, he checked to see if it was properly secured, barring unauthorized access. Finding it so, Acle entered in his pass code and entered the brig.

Jordan sat quietly with his feet up on the main security readout. Since Commander Brown had been transferred there were only a couple of junior officers from the Sierra being held behind the forcefields. They slept quietly and while the chief security officer of the Iapetus had nothing but contempt for them, he let them sleep peacefully.

He looked up from his PaDD as the doors hissed apart. "Evening, Commander."

"Good evening Lieutenant. Just conducting the rounds." Acle said. "I didn't expect to the see the chief in here though... Everyone else on shoreleave?" Acle asked as he stepped futher into the brig. Everything was neat and well kept he noted. Not that he really expected any differently. He glanced towards the cells and the occupants therein, but, didn't say anything.

"As a matter of fact, Commander, they're in the Ridge having a stiff drink. They've all been working doubles. I was there myself until I had a eureka moment and popped down here to try out a little theory."

Acle raised an eyebrow "A theory Lieutenant? What type of theory are we talking about?" Acle asked, dropping his padd to his side and turning his full gaze to the other man.

"Well you see I thought it would be pertinent, especially in the brig, that the forcefields be soundproofed so what I've done is add a wave pattern to the underlying physical structure of the force field so instead of just repelling matter, it can repel sound formed at certain wavelengths. Let me show you."

Jordan wandered over to the replicator. "Computer, glass bottle."

The blue haze faded leaving a stout glass bottle sitting on the small platform. He took it and suddenly threw it against the forcefield and it struck the field, shattering with a piercing crack. The sleeping occupants of the cell continued to sleep, blissfully unaware of any occurence.

"Computer, lock onto the glass and beam it to waste disposal." He said, dusting his hands off. "What do you think, Commander?"

"Outstanding Lieutenant." Acle said with a small grin. "You may want to pass that up to R&D. Quite the theory to have. I'll notify the Captain of your project. Can I ask what gave you the idea?"

"To be honest, Commander. I was sick of being overheard everytime I spoke to one of my staff. This method all but guarantees we can speak freely and not give anything which could potentially help them."

Acle nodded, grinning slightly. "Again, excellent job. When I see you in The Ridge, a drink is on me." Acle brought his PaDD up and made one last notation on it before turning to the hatch again. "Have a good," Acle's grin flashed again "quiet, evening Lieutenant."

Commander Acle Walex
Executive Officer
USS Iapetus


Lieutenant Jordan Gunning
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Iapetus



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