Lieutenant JG Jacinta Oceane

Name Jacinta Kelyna Oceane

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid (3rd House)
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Black Iris
Physical Description Jacinta has an creamy complexion, thats looks soft and smooth to touch, it is un marked and no blemishs are present.
She is has a natural beauty around her; she doesn’t always wear make-up, only in off duty hours she does, however it is normally browns and golds, soft natural colors. When Jacinta isn't in the uniform she tend to wear her clothes from home. Though she doesn’t run around looking like a feral, she is always presentable. Jacinta has an hourglass figure and has and average weight and height for a Betazoid.

Like many Betazoids the irises of her eyes are completely black.

Jacinta's hair is normally tied back on duty when it is long so that it doesn’t get in the way of her working and when her hair is out she will tie it back when getting serous. Sometimes her hair is wavy to the point of having the occasional loose ringlets at the end, it is styled with bangs around to give shaping to her slender face.


Father Broide Oceane - Doctor/Surgeon
Mother Jerica Oceane - Politician on Betazed
Brother(s) Gareth Oceane - Major in Starfleet Marine Corp
Other Family Alyssia Oceane- Her Grandmother.
Bryant Dayelle - gentically compatiable and family friend

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jacinta has a clam and tender air around her at times, which can turn at any time when a matter arises. Her first thought when ever something happened is the safety of the people in the vessel or in her care. Jacinta has a habit of sometimes rushing into things and bending the rules and protocols slightly when they are needed too. She also hates it when people are dishonest to her and lie to her face.

Jacinta finds that being around people and having fun at the right times, is good for the mind. She likes being around people who share her sense of humor and who can teach her new things.

The young women is generally poised and well spoken with an almost sing/song voice, which many of her patients have noted clam them down. Though she can often becomes clumsy and tends to ramble with her words when she is really nervous or she won’t say anything at all and will just walk away. In desperate situations she becomes a quick think and also tends to be like a different person.

Jacintia has good empathic abilities about an E3 level, meaning she can sense emotions from species with two lobed brains, through touch only; she is however trying to better herself at this.
Her telepathic abilities are slightly better due to the extensive training her mother put her though. She had T4 abilities meaning species with two lobed brains, with no contact required with them.

These abilities have been helpful in the past and have also been a hinderance, at times when Jacinta is unwell or highly stressed, the mental barriar she has up to protect her mind from everyones thoughts can fall, allowing her mind to be swamped with thoughts..
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Jacinta has decent hand to hand combat skills. Her Major strengths are that she can think quick on the spot and use objects that normally are useless to her advantage.
She has good empathic abilities and telepathic abilities due to the extensive training her mother put her through. Like every Betazoid she is able to communicate with other telepathic speices with ease.

Weakness: In some cases it might take awhile for Jacinta to see things slightly clear in relationships, she not very strong in the romance department for herself after having her heart broken (She give better advice to her friends).
When it comes to work though, when she trying to have a say and no one listens when she needs them to, Jacinta would sound like she would lose it.

Also Jacinta has a fear of spiders. Speaking of personality the way it varies can also be a weakness, especially when it comes to her being honest, and honesty is important to her.
Ambitions She has little set goal for herself during missions, mainly always to do better or be better.

Her biggest ambition is to have a child, a daughter to carry on the line
Hobbies & Interests Cooking
Meditation/Sitting quietly in her room
Reading (anything that grabs her fancy in the first chapter she'll keep reading).
Water sport
holodeck (story themes)
Languages Federation English, Betazoid telepathy

Personal History Born on the 15th of November, near the Opal Sea on Betazed, to Boride and Lilly of the 3rd House of Betazed, she was born in the noble class.

The 3rd House of Betazed is the House of Health, members of this house are active in the dynamics and politics on the health side of their planet, her family is also keeper of the goblet of life, which has always been passed down to the first born daughter. This would soon be Jacinta.

Jacinta is the only female born on the family of four. She has older brother; they learned about all the Betazoid traditions, but Jacinta had a bit more thrown at her from her mother and Grandmother, being the heir to the house. As she grew up with her brother that was 5 years older then her, she learned to play rough and always tell him the truth about how she felt, to her brother.

During her childhood, Lilly took the children to the council sometimes and also to the gardens, they enjoyed it, they learnt so much.
Her father was always being called away to the hospital to consult and treat people, sometime Jacinta went with.

Jacinta at a young age got along well with Bryant Dayelle the 2nd son to the 13th house of Betazed, so the heads of both families decided to make them betrothed to eachother, finding out that they would make the perfect Genetic Bonded mate. Jacinta wasn't too fond of this idea.

During her adolesence years Jacinta started to develope her abilites and found she was rather strong, this was also around the time that she amoung other Betazoids part taked in the ritruals, ranging for comming of age, to there abilites. Due to her status, Jacinta had a strick training routine to be able to keep her abilites in check and to grow them.

Jacinta started her education and knew that she would one day be a doctor to understand health better, little did she know she would lead her to starfleet. She passed school easily, so she applied to go to the Starfleet Academy. Many of the family had expected her to study still on Betazed and work there, her reply was "My house is to do with health why not let me go out and treat everyone to understand how everything works better". However her mother from this day as always been on her back to leave starfleet, to come home and to take up her responsablity.

Starfleet Academy - Distance Betazed campus
Medical Academy

During her time at the Academy, she was so excited to meet a new friend, the girls in her group hit is off right away and they made the most of there time in three year course.

The course that Jacinta started on her first year was The basic medical and behavioral sciences which dealt with anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, psychology and sociology. This was a slow year for her as they where going over the Very basics, she knew it was an important course so she sat quietly though it there where parts there though that did interest her quite a bit.

The Second year Jacinta studied in the first semester population, society, health and illness which dealt with different planets and what medical problems they are facing or could face, and what the environment would have and effect on, this she saw as a great help for the future. The second semester was all about scientific basis of clinical practice, then spent four weeks working in a hospital doing the basic meds and care.

The Third year the study was clinical skills, this is where she did manly practical work. This presented in a range of settings, including hospitals and ambulatory clinics, where the cadets develop expertise in clinical practice. Jacinta found this so much better cause it was a sign she was near the end of her course and also she was out and about more, and putting everything she learnt into practice.

Starfleet Medical Hospital

When Jacinta finished her training she was stationed at on Starfleet Medical Hospital as a medical officer.

Only a few months into the assignment, Jacinta was already up to her neck in sick and injured people. She didn’t mind it but found herself run into the ground and very tried at times. Seeing as the staff there always likes to get the newbie’s to do a whole lot of work.

The most interesting case and a very important one for her, was when a commanding officer but the name of Alistair Gavini came into the hospital ill because the CMO on board his vessel couldn’t handle the situation cause he was ill too.
So the hospital had basically at most of the crew from the USS Gemmell there being treated for this unknown virus.
The crew was there for a while and Alistair and Jacintia started to build a friendship over the time.
When a cure was found for the virus some of the crew where to ill to continue on this included the CMO but he still request to stay on board if he had a helping hand.
So Alistair asked if Jacinta could be transferred to the USS Gemmell as a medical officer seeing that she know what the virus is and what it can do and, they can contuie the treatment on the doctor.
The CMO of the hospital accepted the transfer.

USS Gemmell

Jacintia was both excited to be on a starship as a medical officer. Though she didn’t mind the hospital she found being on the Gemmell was much more personal and people where like a family.

It was great to see Alistair and his girlfriend Trisha who happened to be the assistant Chief medical officer on the vessel and a half betazoid.
During the shore leave after there second mission, Alistair and Trisha got married on Betazed in both Human wedding ritual and also the Betazoid wedding ritual, Jacintia had attended both and was a brides maid for the wedding because of how close the friendship became between Trisha. She also used this shoreleave time to catch up with her family.

Because Alistair and Trisha were now going on his honeymoon, the XO and the CMO talked about made Jacintia assistant until they came back.

Sadly during the third mission into the expanse the Gemmell was badly destroyed the crew managed to get off safely thanks to the help of another starship near by.
Jacintia was then transferred to the USS Sydney, while another Gemmell was being built.

USS Sydney

Jacintia didn't transfer back to the Gemmell-B she stayed on the Sydney.
This was due to many reasons, on this ship Jacinta had become assistant CMO for good and a relationship was blooming with a rather handsome Intelligence officer. She made friend fast with the crew and became an important member, the Chief Medical office on board, showed Jacintia more then she learnt at the Academy and he kept saying to her “this is where the real learning is”.
Being on the medical team, she was able to go on away mission which put the chief and the CO at ease because of how well they saw her trained.

It was slightly a lot of pressure at one point for Jacinta but it was lighten because of the help she had gotten from Andy Flynn who was a nurse in the department, who was always whispering in her ear on small things.
Also Jacinta had her boyfriend there to help her, there relationship did get hot and heavy fast, but she had felt a connection that wasn't even there with Bryant. Being still young and naive she believed she was in love with the officer. She also played his private doctor, worrying over his health and making sure he was okay.

However things started to go downhill between Jacinta and her lover, when Bryant her betrothed came aboard the ship as an ambassador, also to inform Jacinta that her father was becoming ill. Jacinta never told her intelligence officer of Bryant, thinking that she really wanted love and that if she wanted him then she would deal with Bryant and her family. Bryant decided to confront Jacinta's lover while she was working, which ended up with Bryant showing up in sickbay injured and bloody, her boyfriend never showed up.
Feeling something wasn't right and not getting information from Bryant on what happened, Jacinta went to his quarters which she had free access too as he had hers. Though what Jacinta saw broke her heart, she made her presence know by hurling the nearest object at the naked couple before storming out.

After that event Jacinta asked form the captain to leave the ship, telling everyone that it was due to her father’s illness that she had to leave, not the betrayal of the man she loved. Jacinta left the Sydney 48 hours later with Bryant, back to Betazed.


Jacinta decided to remove the memory from her mind of the intelligence officer, putting her up happy mask. Only Bryant knew the story, her mother was really happy that she was home, giving her father time to rest.
For the time she was at home, Jacinta participated more in the customs of her culture and in the politics of running the health system.

She found the time away healing, though she never progressed the relationship with Bryant past the point of a friendship. Jacinta one day received a letter from Starfleet medical, informing her of a ship that was running without a chief medical officer and that they wanted her to finish up her leave and to join the ship.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
Medical Academy
Rank: Cadet

Starfleet Medical Hospital
Medical officer
Rank: Ensign

USS Gemmell
Medical officer
Rank: Ensign

Promoted: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Acting Assistance chief medical officer

USS Sydney
Assistance chief medical officer
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade

=/\= Leave Approved due to family curmstances =/\=

Acting Head surgeon for health clinic
Politcal assistant

=/\= Leave ended sort and transfer orders in place =/\=